Monday, September 5, 2016

Google Classroom

I am so excited that we have gotten our Chromebooks!  We will be using Google Classroom.  Google Classroom is a blended learning platform for schools that aim to simplify creating, distributing, and grading assignments in a paperless way.  Take a few minutes to watch the video that explains more about Google Classroom.

Students have already completed a grammar assignment and turned it it.  Ask your child to share this assignment with you.  Even though this assignment has a grade attached to it, this grade did not go in my grade book.  I wanted students to see how they are able to see their graded assignments and the feedback that I am able to give through Google Classroom.  This also gave students a chance to practice using Google Classroom.

On Friday, the students completed a math practice assignment on comparing numbers that can be found in their Math Google Classroom.  If your child was in ALERT or absent on this day, he/she is more than welcome to complete the assignment over the break.  It will be great practice!
Here are just a few ways I will use Google Classroom...
- post videos to enhance instruction
- provide websites to practice skills at home
- share rubrics for various assignments
- sharing exit slips

And the list goes on! 

If you have any questions about Google Classroom please don't hesitate to email me!